Dual Fuel Burners

dual fuel mechanical modular monoblock burner

Dual Fuel Burners

dual fuel mechanical modular monoblock burner

Dual Fuel Burners

RLGB-MC Series Raadman Burner

Mechanical Modular Burners cover a firing range of 1000 up to 6,200 kW generally. They can be used wherever heat is needed in heating residences or hospitals, schools or offices, in industry or trade, on board ships and for mobile plant. They are suitable for all commonly available gas and oil types and are notable for their superior reliability, longevity, great economy and ease of manganese.

Fuel System

Dual-fuel burner (Light Oil side)

Type OL-III:(Two Stages dual-fuel burner)

MV: Fan motorVD1: Light oil delivery valve Stage 1C: Coupling
MP: Pump motorVD2: Light oil delivery valve Stage 2G: Gauge
FS: Flame SensorVD2: Light oil delivery valve StageF: Gas or oil flame
VD: Light oil safety valveTA: ignition transformerASV: Air damper servomotor
PA: Air pressure switch
