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Electrical Modular Gas Burners

Nox Reduction Methods

During the last century, Nitrogen oxide emissions, called NOx, have constantly been increasing. Due to the destructive effects of nitrogen oxides on the health of

Industrial Furnace Burners

The «furnace industry» and products determine the type of flame contact. In many heat treatment processes, where the combustion gases must not come into contact

Electrical Modular Gas Burners

NOx gases play an important role in the formation of smog, producing the brown haze often observed over cities, particularly during the summer. When exposed to UV rays in sunlight, NOx molecules break apart and form ozone (O3). The problem is made worse by the presence in the atmosphere of volatile organic compounds (VOC), which also interact with NOx to form dangerous molecules. Ozone at the ground level is a serious pollutant, unlike the protective ozone layer much higher up in the stratosphere. Nitrogen oxides form when oxygen and nitrogen from the air interact during a high-temperature combustion event. The heating industry and industrial burners, in particular, produce large amounts of nitrogen oxides.

The idea of Low NOx burners is to control fuel and air mixing at each burner in order to create larger and more branched flames. Peak flame temperature is thereby reduced, and results in less NOx formation. The improved flame structure also reduces the amount of oxygen available in the hottest part of the flame thus improving burner efficiency.

Gas Train Selection

High-pressure gas supply, standard version

Used when:
Input pressure is > 360 mbar
The total pressure loss in gas valves, Butterfly gate valve and combustion chamber resistance does not exceed 200 mbar.

High-pressure gas supply, Multi bloc version

Used when:
Input pressure is > 360 mbar
The total pressure loss in gas valves, Butterfly gate valve and combustion chamber resistance does not exceed 350 mbar.

Low-pressure gas supply

Input pressure is < 360 mbar
The total pressure loss in gas valves, Butterfly gate valve and combustion chamber resistance does not exceed 200 mbar.

low pressure gas supply 1

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