the best industrial burner, boiler burner and furnace burner in the world
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Dual Fuel Burners

Nox Reduction Methods

During the last century, Nitrogen oxide emissions, called NOx, have constantly been increasing. Due to the destructive effects of nitrogen oxides on the health of

Industrial Furnace Burners

The «furnace industry» and products determine the type of flame contact. In many heat treatment processes, where the combustion gases must not come into contact

Dual Fuel Burners

RLGB-MS Series Raadman Burner

Raadman’s mechanical staging burners are made of high-quality electro-mechanical components that are simple to install and commission and have a firing range of 1000 to 6100 kW.

The butterfly valve and cam mechanism allow for “Staging” operation on the gas mode. To achieve the desired stages in this type of burner, one actuator opens the butterfly valve and damper.

This category of burners includes all mechanical components, burner head, flame tube, and cam mechanism, safety accessories, ignition devices, flame scanners, burner controllers such as Shokouh /Honeywell TMG or Siemens LFL, burner actuators, accessories of power system, ventilation motor, fan wheel, safety of Gas train includes filter, regulator, main and safety valves, pressure gauges, minimum pressure switch, leak test switch, and valve proving system for burners with a capacity of over than 1.2 MW (All according to BS-EN 676).

Light oil system includes separate motor for oil pump, pump with pressure regulating valve, double main solenoid valve and one safety solenoid valve in feeding line, pressure gauge in feeding line, two nozzles for two stage operation (All according to BS-EN 267).

Technical & Functional Features

  • Lightweight and optimized geometry.
  • High-quality heat-resistant steel material for all parts of burner head as well as flame cover accessories.
  • air damper for adjusting air flow and butterfly valve for regulating gas output controlled by a servomotor with variable cam
  • Mono-block design and fully enclosed aluminum air housing.
  • Simple Installation, adjustment, and maintenance.
  • Easy access to internal components.
  • Engineered solutions to maximize efficiency and cost savings.
  • Suitable for firetube, firebox, and water tube boilers
  • Equipped with high-quality and reliable electronic devices.
  • Up to 10-20 % flame shape control
  • High-quality staging controllers from well-known producers.

Fuel System

Dual-fuel burner (Light Oil side)

Type OL-III: (Two Stages dual-fuel burner)

MV: Fan motor VD1: Light oil delivery valve Stage 1 C: Coupling
MP: Pump motor VD2: Light oil delivery valve Stage 2 G: Gauge
FS: Flame Sensor F: Gas or oil flame VD: Light oil safety valve
TA: ignition transformer ASV: Air damper servomotor PA: Air pressure switch


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