What is Combustion? An Introduction to Combustion Principles
As a fundamental process, combustion plays a crucial role in supplying the energy needed for everyday life and industrial applications. Understanding its basic principles is
The ventilation system consists of a centrifugal fan, air damper, actuator, filter, and silencer. Unlike dual block burners, the ventilation system is integrated with the burner combustion head in monoblock burners.
A forward or backward inclined centrifugal fan is used to overcome the pressure drop in the burner combustion head and the boiler. The centrifugal fan uses forward, backward, and radial blades dependent on the air flow rate and pressure. Forward centrifugal fans are usually used for applications where low pressure is required and have a smaller diameter than backward. Unlike the forward centrifugal fans, backward fans are used for burners with high-pressure drop combustion heads and boilers.
The performance curve of centrifugal fans shows the flow rate decreases with an increase in the pressure drop. In forward fans, power consumption increases dramatically with the flow rate, but power consumption rises slowly and decreases in backward fans.
The optimum designation of caused Raadman ventilation system work on optimum performance curves with low noise pollution. The fan with the backward inclined curve is required for high-capacity burners, such as monoblock burners with capacities usually above 2 MW, dual block burners, central ventilation systems for water tube burners, and multi-burner systems.
The Raadman ventilation system can install integrally with the combustion bloc in the mono block burners or separately in the dual block.
As a fundamental process, combustion plays a crucial role in supplying the energy needed for everyday life and industrial applications. Understanding its basic principles is
Energy must be applied in a controlled and safe way in many industrial and thermal processes. One of the most common methods of providing thermal
Heating is one of the fundamental requirements of greenhouses that directly impacts plant growth and production. As controlled environments designed for plant cultivation, greenhouses must
The Fan blade design is the result of extensive research and analysis resulting in high-performing and efficient centrifugal fans. Our R&D team will ensure the fans are complied with all safety certifications at the design stage regarding stability, reliability and safety.
Thanks to improved CFD simulations and FEM analysis, blade design simultaneously is optimized from structural and aerodynamic point of view. It also helps to provide customized solutions for market requirements. Our team surveys cover a complex step-by-step analysis of a centrifugal fan from its design to an advanced CFD & FEA simulation, including FSI and modal analysis.
Acoustic absorption refers to the process by which a material, structure, or object takes in sound energy when sound waves are encountered, as opposed to reflecting the energy. Some of the absorbed energy is transformed into heat and some is transmitted through the absorbing body. The energy transformed into heat is said to have been ‘lost’.
When sound from a loudspeaker collides with the walls, the sound’s energy is reflected, one part is transmitted, and the other part is absorbed into the walls. Just as the acoustic energy was transmitted through the air as pressure differentials (or deformations), the acoustic energy travels through the material which makes up the wall in the same manner. Deformation causes mechanical losses via converting part of the sound energy into heat, resulting in acoustic attenuation, mostly due to the wall’s viscosity. Similar attenuation mechanisms apply for the air and any other medium through which sound passes.
PACKMAN Company was established in February, 1975. The company has started its activity in the field of producing High-Pressure Vessels such as Hot-Water Boilers, Steam Boilers, Pool Coil Tanks, Softeners and Heat Exchangers since 1984.