Boiler burners are divided into two types.

  1. Monoblock Burner
  2. Dual Block Burner
In Monoblock burners, the ventilator is integral to the burner’s main body. Unlike Mono Block burners, Dual block burners consist of two separate units: a burner head unit and a ventilator system unit.

a burner head unit and a ventilator system unit. The burner head unit consists of a burner body, gas nozzles, a swirler, a diffuser, a light oil train, an electrical panel, safety devices, and wiring. The ventilator system includes a fan, electromotor, and electrical panel. The ventilator system can install in the same room or a different area, and an Air-Duct connects the two units. As follows, we will illustrate that Dual block burners have more benefits than Monoblock burners in large industrial burners.

  1. Maintenance crews have more access to the burner’s head in the Dual Block burners.
  2. This kind of boiler burner has low weight. On the other hand, the burner head unit doesn’t have anything else, such as a fan or electromotor.
  3. The Dual block burner’s combustion air can be preheated easily to increase efficiency.
  4. With a central ventilation system, the combustion air is distributed at the same flow rate in multi-burner systems
  5. The lateral or full encapsulation for the ventilation system can be used in Dual Block burners. It can reduce noise pollution in the boiler room.
  6. The ventilator system can be set in 8 different directions according to the location of the boiler.

Also, one of the dual block burner abilities is to install the fan in a separate area from the boiler room, which has many benefits:

  1. A few surrounding areas are required in front of the combustion chamber.
  2. As a result of installing a ventilator system far from the boiler room, noise pollution is at the lowest level.

Dual Block Burners (DB Series)

dual block burner db series

Full electronic modulating burners are designed to safely operate throughout its firing range from high fire to low fire. The most common turndown ratings in DB-Series (dual block) burner are 1:8 up to 1:10. High turndown is used to reduce the burner cycling and maintain a consistent temperature or pressure in the boiler. This is crucial if the boiler is used in an industrial process that requires a consistent temperature or pressure. dual block burners are equipped with an electronic microprocessor management panel, which controls the air damper servomotor, fuel servomotors as well as head regulating sleeve. Using electronic modulation, hysteresis is prevented by the precise control of the separated independent servomotors and the software linked by can-bus. The LAMTEC ETAMATIC / CMS combustion managers or Siemens LMV51/52, as the most popular brands, are frequently used in DB-Series RAADMAN Modular burners. This burner Control System combines the benefits of an electronic fuel/air ratio controller with an electronic burner control unit. Up to five motorized actuators can be assigned to modulate air and fuel drives with the option of an additional module to add variable speed drive control for the combustion air fan. Additional modules are available for field bus interfacing, load control and dual fuel operation.

These modular systems include many standard burner functions as standard, these include integrated valve proving, ambient temperature compensation, flame monitoring and operating hours and system start-up counters. Oxygen trim, CO control, load control and dual fuel functionality are all available options that are used to further enhance system benefits, flexibility and efficiency. These controllers are particularly suited for use on monobloc burners.

Key features and benefits include

  • Integrated linkage-less control, burner flame safeguard and modulation PID control
  • Single or dual-fuel application
  • Controls up to 5 independent actuators for optimal efficiency in a low NOx burner application.
  • Integrated PID temperature/pressure controller with auto-tune for extremely accurate process control
  • Variable Speed Drive control with an actual RPM speed sensor provides reliable, efficient and safe control of the combustion air blower
  • Integrated gas valve proving system that checks for leaks on every burner cycle for increased safety.
  • Optional O2-CO trim
  • Up to 10 programmable points per fuel-air ratio curve for greater flexibility and tighter control
  • 999 highly repeatable actuator position for precise control
  • Digital positioning feedback from actuators ensures unmatched repeatability
  • Independent ignition position
  • The ability to be connected to building management systems using a different type of protocols
  • Worldwide approvals and technical support

For all purposes and possibilities

They can be used wherever heat is needed – in heating residences or hospitals, schools or offices, in industry or trade, on board ships and for mobile plants. They are suitable for all commonly available gas and oil types and are notable for their reliability, longevity and great economy. Nearly all burner types over the entire performance range are available in a Low NOx version, with particularly low emission levels.

Firing ranges

DB-series, as a dual-bloc concept, covers a range of 1000-32000 kW in 9 versions/capacities with 1:8 to 1:10 turndown ratio.