Technical and Functional Features
- Highly efficient gas/oil burners for domestic and industrial application.
- Compatible with all types of combustion chambers according to EN303 standard.
- Designed for maximize efficiency and fuel cost savings.
- Based on Iran national standard ISIRI-7595 and ISIRI 7594 (BS-EN676 and BS-EN267) for gas and oil fuel, respectively.
- Compact design with enclosed aluminum air housing.
- High-quality with low-emissions combustion.
- Sound proofing materials incorporated in the air suction circuit.
- Full electronic modular operation with air/gas ratio control.
- Ability of running with Variable Speed Drive (VSD) for reduction in noise level and increase the life expectancy of fan wheel motor.
- Ability of working with either of pressure based or Air/steam atomizers in dual fuel version.
- Ability of running with FGR technology for further reduction in NOx level (option).
- Light weight and optimized geometry.
- Simple Installation, adjustment and maintenance.
Electrical Modular Operation
Fossil fuel burners are often used as the principal medium for delivering energy to industrial furnaces and Boilers. Increasing focus on reducing energy costs has led manufacturers to concentrate on new burner design techniques and important advances in efficiency gains have been made over the years. As one of the most effective strategies are burner management and control systems.
Fully modulating burners are designed to safely operate throughout its firing range from high fire to low fire. The most common turndown ratings in commercial boilers range from 1-3 up to 1-10. Turndown is how far the burner firing rate can be lowered and still effectively fire. High turndown is used to reduce the burner cycling and maintain a consistent temperature or pressure in the boiler. This is crucial if the boiler is used in an industrial process that requires a consistent temperature or pressure.
Each RAADMAN burner with identification of –M- or –M/M- is equipped with an electronic microprocessor management panel, which controls the air damper servomotor as well as the fuel servomotors. Using electronic modulation, hysteresis is prevented by the precise control of the separated independent servomotors and the software linked by can-BUS.
The high precision regulation is due to the absence of mechanical clearance normally found in mechanical regulation cams on traditional modulating burners. The LAMTEC Burner Tronic BT300 or Etamatic OEM as well as Siemens LMV2/3, LM51/52 as the most popular brands, are frequently used in RAADMAN Modular burners. Their burner Control Systems combine the benefits of an electronic fuel/air ratio controller with an electronic burner control unit. Up to five motorized actuators can be assigned to modulate air and fuel drives with the option of an additional module to add variable speed drive control for the combustion air fan.
Additional modules are available for field bus interfacing, load control and dual fuel operation.
These modular systems include many standard burner functions as standard; these include integrated valve proving, ambient temperature compensation, flame monitoring and operating hours and system start-up counters. Oxygen trim, CO control, load control and dual fuel functionality are all available options that are used to further enhance system benefits, flexibility and efficiency. These controllers are particularly suited for use on monoblock burners.
The fuel/air ratio curves and operating parameters are set and adjusted using either the UI300 HMI or AZL50 for LAMTEC and Siemens respectively or using their LSB Remote Software. The fuel/air ratio can be optimized to compensate for combustion variables by implementing oxygen trim or CO control to ensure the burner operates to its maximum possible efficiency.
The burner and fuel/air ratio controller can be adjusted for a wide range of combustion tasks by setting parameters. In the case of BT300, Etamatic OEM or LMV2/3/5, oil and gas can be set to start with and without a pilot burner. The integrated valve proving system can be run before ignition or after the shutdown of the burner. In the case of operation with gas, starting without pre-purge is possible in accordance with BS-EN676 and BS-EN 267.
Key features and benefits include
- Integrated linkage-less control, burner flame safeguard and modulation PID control
- Single or dual-fuel (or multi-fuel) application
- Controls up to 5 independent actuators for optimal efficiency in low NOx burner applications.
- Integrated PID temperature/ pressure controller with auto-tune for extremely accurate process control
- Variable Speed Drive control with an actual RPM speed sensor provides reliable, efficient and safe control of the combustion air blower
- Optional O2-CO trim
- Integrated gas valve proving system that checks for leaks on every burner cycle for increased safety.
- Up to 10 programmable points per fuel-air ratio curve for greater flexibility and tighter control
- 999 highly repeatable actuator position for precise control
- Digital positioning feedback from actuators ensures unmatched repeatability
- Independent ignition position
- The ability to be connected to building management systems using different types of protocols
Worldwide approvals and technical support
Burner Management System Overview
Gas Train Component
High-pressure gas supply, the standard version used when:
Input pressure is between 360 mbar and 4 bar.
The total pressure loss in gas valves, Butterfly gate valve and combustion chamber resistance does not exceed 200 mbar.
High-pressure gas supply, Multi bloc version used when:
Input pressure is between 360 mbar and 4 bar.
The total pressure loss in gas valves, Butterfly gate valve and combustion chamber resistance does not exceed 350 mbar.
Low-pressure gas supply
Input pressure is < 360 mbar
The total pressure loss in gas valves, Butterfly gate valve and combustion chamber resistance does not exceed 200 mbar.
Calculation of Minimum Inlet Pressure and Minimum Output Pressure of Regulator
Extra options which could be ordered with us
O2-CO regulation
Combustion processes must be monitored and regulated in order to save energy and avoid damage to the environment, property and health. Based on the technology of zirconium dioxide prob, O2 trim is an innovative concept for binary burner regulation to create a dynamic and self-optimizing method which would further reduce exhaust gas losses in industrial combustion systems. Nowadays two types of trimming are common between combustion facility utilizers: O2-CO trim with Lamtec combi probes or Siemens QGO sensors
Variable Speed drive (VSD)
A variable-speed drives-VSD is a type of motor drive used in electro-mechanical drive systems to control AC motor speed and torque by varying motor input frequency and, depending on the topology, to control associated voltage or current variation. VFDs may also be known as VFDs (variable-frequency drive), AFDs (adjustable-frequency drives), ASDs (adjustable-speed drives), AC drives, micro drives, inverter drives or, simply, drives. Using this speed controller can reduce electrical energy consumption up 35 %.
Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners Electrical Modular Burners